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We are delighted to launch the fourth issue of ELEMENTS, a Charles Taylor Natural Resources newsletter.

In this fourth edition of ELEMENTS, our experts cover a diverse range of topics, including Green hydrogen and associated adjustment/insurance considerations, Japan Steel Works – The impact of falsified data on underwriting and claims handing, lightning risk to wind turbine blades – acting as a prudent operator, An analysis of the Brazilian energy market, Developing market for floating storage and regassification Units, The pluses and minuses of battery energy storage solutions. 

You can view the articles in the links below, or go straight to our digital interactive edition to navigate through the content. 

Article 1: Green hydrogen and associated adjustment/insurance considerations

Article 2: Japan Steel Works – The impact of falsified data on underwriting and claims handing

Article 3: Lightning risk to wind turbine blades – Acting as a prudent operator

Article 4: An analysis of the Brazilian energy market

Article 5: Developing market for floating storage and regassification Units

Article 6: The pluses and minuses of battery energy storage solutions

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