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Balancing innovation appetites with volatile market conditions

Charles Taylor InsureTech, CEO, Arjun Ramdas, discusses how front-to-back digital transformation is driving change in insurance.

In the three years since Ramdas joined the Charles Taylor insurtech division from Microsoft - where he served as practice leader of its UK consulting services – he has seen it progress rapidly, growing its team, doubling its revenue and maximising its profits. Coming from a tech-focused background, he said, it’s been rewarding to join a company with such deep roots in the insurance sector which boasts such a wealth of insurance expertise.

‘Why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for modernisation and digitisation?’

For the team at Charles Taylor InsureTech, it’s clear that neither consideration can be taken in isolation. If a change programme is going to work it needs to work across the board. That is why a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when it comes to modernisation and digitisation programmes, he said, because different companies have different appetites, resources and requirements. With that in mind, there are four key tranches to the business’s offering.

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