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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our fifth issue of ELEMENTS, a Charles Taylor Adjusting Natural Resources periodic newsletter. To date Elements has provided a platform for 36 thought-provoking articles, these being viewed  over 4,000 times by people in all corners of the world.

In this fifth instalment, our global energy experts along with industry colleges cover the latest hot topics impacting the energy industry:   
•    Innovative, data-driven adjusting solutions for inaccessible losses – Hugh Sparks & Shazia Rehman
•    What’s next for the fossil fuel energy industry? – Mike McMahon & Chris Brown 
•    Keeping cover relevant in relation to renewable energy asset obsolescence - Ed Hillier, Neil Armstrong & Andrew Milne
•    The risk and reward of carbon capture and storage - Louis-Florent Daspre & Joe Brennan
•    The outlook for Indonesian upstream oil and gas projects - Muhammad Andriansyah
•    Subsea equipment - Offshore construction and associated claims. – Emily Spellman

You can view the articles in the links above or go straight to our digital interactive edition to navigate through the content. To be notified of future issues of Elements, please subscribe to receive the next edition straight to your inbox.

ELEMENTS 5 - Launch from Charles Taylor on Vimeo.

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