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Webinar from Charles Taylor Adjusting – Environmental

Wednesday 15th March

12:00pm-1:00pm GMT

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Charles Taylor Adjusting invite you to join us for a lunchtime webinar looking at several claim scenarios from our pan-European environmental claims experts.

Whether the incident involves pollution of the soils/ground, water courses and air pollution (nuisance) our team will explain how they managed the (often conflicting), demands of property owners, claimants and regulators.   

Discussing local differences and the similarities we find when handling these, often complex and expensive, claims.

This will be of interest to insurers, brokers and risk/insurance managers who may have pan-European portfolios with varying degrees of environmental exposure.


Graham Hawkins - Head of Enviromental 
Cezar Aftimescu - Country Manager - Romania 
Zbigniew Bachman - Country Manager - Poland
Claes Hendil-Forssell - Country Manager - Nordics




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