Our hull team comprises licensed aircraft engineers and investigators known and trusted by global Insurance markets to handle complex technical claims on their behalf. Their services include end to end claims management, aircraft recovery and site clearance, repair arrangement, cost management and loss adjustment, accident causation investigation, salvage disposal, subrogation and associated support.
Our liability team includes qualified aviation specialist lawyers, and offers expertise in the investigation of aviation incidents, providing a range of non-litigated claim defense and adjusting services. They advise on legal liability and claims adjusting, acting on behalf of insurers, and directly for insured clients.
Our aviation asset management service offers aircraft lease management, technical asset management and approved continuing airworthiness management (CAMO) services to aircraft fleet owners, airlines and lessors worldwide.
Our team of experts help industry plan for the worst, and should an aviation incident or accident happen, provide a tailored fast and effective response to protect the reputation of the operator and minimise insured and uninsured losses.
We offer evaluation and condition surveys for aircraft owners, lessors, operators and their insurers to ensure the value of the aircraft is maintained, and to verify compliance with all regulatory and continuing airworthiness requirements and lease conditions.
With our global reach, we provide bespoke services across industry providing insight and guidance on operational best practice, allowing businesses across the aviation ecosystem to enhance their processes and procedures, mitigating risks, and driving efficiency.
We work closely with aircraft operators, owners and insurers to ensure the highest level of financial recovery following damage to an aircraft or high value component where repair is not commercially viable.
Our bespoke technology allows us to efficiently handle high volume baggage claims. Thanks to our integrated teams of in-house specialists, our claims processing facilities are unsurpassed in terms of effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
Hugh Thacker
Global Managing Director
E: hugh.thacker@charlestaylor.com
M: +44 (0)780 198 4441
Chris Whittington
Deputy Global Director
E: chris.whittington@charlestaylor.com
M: +44 (0)792 028 6227
John Leonard
Regional Director - Americas
E: john.leonard@charlestaylor.com
M: +52 55 1834 6686
Mark Scott
Regional Aviation Director
E: mark.scott@charlestaylor.com
M: +65 9787 3132
Barry Hirons
Resident Manager and Surveryor
E: barry.hirons@charlestaylor.com
T: +44 207 522 7599
Ashley Robinson
Global Director - Liability
E: ashley.robinson@charlestaylor.com
M: +44 (0)778 527 7280
Chris Brennan
CEO Aviation Asset Management
E: chris.brennan@charlestaylor.com
T: +44 (0)780 955 5885
Cameron Hogg
Global Commercial Director
E: cameron.hogg@charlestaylor.com
T: +44 (0)744 36 083338
Ian Latham
Business Development Director
E: ian.latham@charlestaylor.com
T: +44 (0)795 783 2450